Project 207 Group Project

Presentation Schedule

  • 10:00am - Json Byters
  • 10:30am - Pocket Pill
  • 11:00am - Important Bits
  • 11:30am - AB_Go
  • 12:00pm - Bitz and Bytes

Course Rubric

Presentation (10% - Group mark)

  • 1 point: Group appearance and uniform participation
  • 2 points: Timing and good level of detail
  • 2 points: Technical correctness
  • 2 points: Clarity of presentation
  • 1 point: Ability to answer questions
  • 2 points: Overall impression

Frontend functionality (30% - Group mark)

  • 10 points: Webpage is clear and easy to navigate (UX)
  • 7 points: Website looks attractive and CSS provides consistent look
  • 3 points: Main page welcomes the customer and provides links and menus
  • 1 point: Contact us page provides contact information for the agency
  • 3 points: Vacation Package page lists available packages
  • 3 points: Customer Registration page allows customer to set up account
  • 3 points: Javascript provides validation on the Registration page

Backend functionality (20% - Group mark)

  • 10 points: Data for packages dynamically generated from database
  • 10 points: Functionality not covered in class, such as:
    • Data captured in registration stored in a database
    • “Health Check” unit tests for server endpoints
    • Incorporation of 3rd party data fetched on the backend

Code quality/effort (40% - Individual mark)

  • 20 points: Code quality: clear coding, with simple functions and and commenting
  • 20 points: Group evaluation

PROJ 207 - Course Materials


Bitz and Bytes

  • Dave
  • Joyce
  • Sean
  • Vadim

Pocket Pill

  • Alejandro
  • Branden
  • Patrick
  • Titilope

Json Byters

  • JC
  • Parvathy
  • Stevyn
  • Larisa


  • Rafat
  • Wendy
  • Yin
  • Ying

Important Bits

  • Aslam
  • Muna
  • Tarek

PROJ 207 - Group Charter

Assign the key roles and responsibilities for each group member in delivering the project for PROJ 207. After each entry write a short summary defining their role and what their responsibilities are in the project. This charter will serve as the reference for any group mediation that is required.

PROJ 207 - Potential Roles

  • research
  • copy writing
  • frontend dev (be specific)
  • backend dev (be specific)
  • graphics
  • devops
  • etc