Day 1: Introductions, Setup and Long-form Text
First day of frontend! Most of the day will be spent getting to know your instructor and setting up your environment. Then we write a simple HTML blog post.
First day of frontend! Most of the day will be spent getting to know your instructor and setting up your environment. Then we write a simple HTML blog post.
Now that we have some HTML work with, we’ll begin styling the text, insert an image or two and add a top bar.
Home pages often have large hero sections to grab the user’s attention. Internal pages will often have a simpler page header.
No multi-page website is complete without navigation. Luckily, Flexbox makes this easier than it was.
Git and GitHub will allow us to save our work, collaborate with team members and deploy our projects.
Friday! This will be an open workshop day to clean up code, self-study and work on Assignment 1.
For our first day of Javascript will modify our page styles with the Element.classList object.
Javascript is often used to control web forms. In this session we will modify page text based on form input.
Expanding on what we learned yesterday, we will add Lorem Picsum images to a gallery using a loop.
We will be following the MDN Express/Mongoose tutorial modules for the server-side component of this course.
Now that we have Node, NPM and Express installed on our machines, let build a skeleton website.
Now that we have a static version of our travel website, we’ll convert the static HTML files into templates.
Let’s copy our Animal data (our model) from our frontend Javascript app to a Node custom module. Also, it turns out Tony still likes EJS over Pug.
The real power of Express comes with custom routes and controllers. In industry, we call these API Endpoints.
We’ve got a static web server. Let’s make it more dynamic by adding a database. While we’re at it, let’s make it live on Heroku.
The last day of this course will be dedicated to cleaning up our projects, working on the final assignment and preparing for PROJ 207