Day 10: Setting up Node and NPM
Reminders for Tony
- Put on mic
- Open Zoom chat
- Record! Anyone else?
Topics Covered
Goal for the day
By the end of the day, you should have Node, NPM and Express Generator installed on your machine.
Important: Copy this .gitignore file into any node/express project you are committing to GitHub. This will stop unwanted files (such as the node_modules directory) from being push to your remote repo.
Topic 1: Introduction to Node
Node (or more formally Node.js) is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows developers to create all kinds of server-side tools and applications in JavaScript. The runtime is intended for use outside of a browser context (i.e. running directly on a computer or server OS). As such, the environment omits browser-specific JavaScript APIs and adds support for more traditional OS APIs including HTTP and file system libraries.
See Introducing Node
Activity objectives:
See Installing Node
Topic 2: Introduction to NPM
Next to Node itself, NPM is the most important tool for working with Node applications. NPM is used to fetch any packages (JavaScript libraries) that an application needs for development, testing, and/or production, and may also be used to run tests and tools used in the development process.
Mid-day Huddle
- who needs help?
- any pivots?
- any show-and-tell?
Activity objectives:
Topic 3: Introduction to Express
Express is the most popular Node web framework, and is the underlying library for a number of other popular Node web frameworks. It provides mechanisms to:
- Write handlers for requests with different HTTP verbs at different URL paths (routes).
- Integrate with “view” rendering engines in order to generate responses by inserting data into templates.
- Set common web application settings like the port to use for connecting, and the location of templates that are used for rendering the response.
- Add additional request processing “middleware” at any point within the request handling pipeline.
Activity objectives:
See: Installing the Express Application Generator
- any trophies?
- prep for tomorrow?
- applause