Day 7: CSS Toggles with element.classList

Reminders for Tony

  1. Put on mic
  2. Open Zoom chat
  3. Record! Anyone else?


  • PROJ 207 Group Assignment (details listed on this home page)
    • Presentation: Friday, Aug 7
    • Code submission deadline: Aug 10
    • Group size: 3-4
    • How do you want to choose groups?


Goal for the day

By the end of the day, you should have a button that toggles a CSS class.

CSS Toggle Demo

Topics Covered

Topic 1: Introducing the Document Object Model (DOM)

When we target an HTML element (ex, a <p>) with a new CSS declaration (ex, color: darkgoldenrod), we are changing settings of the Document Object Model.

Live-code objectives

In this live-code session, we will explore the Firefox Console (Chrome works too).

  • Create an empty HTML file in your editor and view it in a browser.
  • Open the Inspector, navigate to the Console and enter the following as separate statements. What does the console return?
    • "hello world!" (include the quotes)
    • 4
    • 1 + 2
    • 3 / 0
    • 4 < 5
    • innerHeight
    • innerWidth
    • document
    • try any other valid js statement

Activity: Creating a DOM element variable with the id attribute

You will be working in pairs. We are going to inspect the body element (of the page we just created) and discover where class names are stored in the DOM.

  1. Try entering the following in the console:
    • body -> should return an error; “body” doesn’t mean anything, yet.
  2. Now, add an id to <body>:

     <body id="body">
  3. Try repeating Step 1. What happens?
    • body -> should now return a DOM element. This means that, simply by giving the element an id, we have created a variable named “body” that references the page’s body element. We’ll look at better ways to do this later in the course.
    • Try changing the id to something other than “body”. Does this affect the variable name we need to enter into the console?
    • Notice the triangle next to the returned body element. Click on it and find classList in the resulting list. What’s its length?
  4. Add a class (your choice) to the body tag:

     <body id="body" class="fancy-bg">
  5. Repeat Step 3 and inspect the body element. How has classList changed? What value does className hold?
  6. Try adding/removing different classes to the body tag and re-inspect the element to see how classList and className changes. What do you think className represents?

Topic 2: Adding and Removing classes with element.classList

Using the console, we’re going to become more familiar with the classList API. classList is a Javascript Object, so we need to use dot notation to access the goodies:

  • classList.add() -> adds a class
  • classList.remove() -> removes a class
  • classList.toggle() -> described below
  • classList.contains() -> returns true or false
  • classList.replace() -> rarely used but nice to have

Live-code objectives

Let’s add a class declaration to help us understand element.classList() visually. Add this CSS declaration to your page:

.fancy-bg {
  background-color: rebeccapurple;

Using the console, use the classList API to:

  1. add the class “split-bg” to the body element using classList.add() (remember the console will accept any valid Javascript statement);
  2. remove the same class from the body element using classList.remove();
  3. toggle the “split-bg” class using classList.toggle().

classList.toggle() is a nice shortcut method that saves us from coding a conditional like the following:

// Notice the use of classList.contains(). This method returns true or false; perfect for if/then statements.
if (body.classList.contains("split-bg")) {
  // .split-bg exists so let's remove it...
} else {
  // .split-bg doesn't exist so let's add it...

Activity: Class action!

Now that you can add/remove/toggle classes that are assigned to an element, add another HTML element (your choice). What other declarations can you define in CSS that you can add/remove as class names using classList.toggle() from within the console?

Mid-day Huddle

  • who needs help?
  • any pivots?
  • any show-and-tell?


Topic 3: Toggling CSS with a button event listener

We now know how to add/remove/toggle classes but the console probably isn’t the best way to do this. Let’s add a button to our page and use it to toggle a class with an event listener.

Live-code objectives

Event Listeners can be added to any element but the button is well suited for click events. Copy this sample code (adapted from this MDN Example) into a <script></script> element just before your </body> tag):

// Function to toggle a class name
function toggleBackground() {

// Add event listener to `button`
btn.addEventListener("click", toggleBackground);

Activity: Hamburger menus

You will work in teams. Now that you know how to toggle CSS at the click of a button, discuss how this technique can be used to toggle a mobile hamburger menu.

Visit your favourite websites on your mobile device. How do they handle navigation on the smaller screen?

  • Do they hide the options?
  • If so, how do you show the navigation?
  • If it’s a hamburger menu, are there any transitions or animations?


  • any trophies?
  • prep for tomorrow?
  • applause

