Day 6: Open Workshop Day

Reminders for Tony

  1. Put on mic
  2. Open Zoom chat
  3. Record! Anyone else?


Goals for today

Today will be an open workshop day to work on our assignments and side projects.

  • Move your project from Codepen to GH.
  • Move your CSS to external stylesheet(s).
  • Work on your code quality:
    • properly indented, grouped and commented?
    • any dead code from abandoned experiments?
    • any code snippets that might come in handy later?
  • Now that you’ve got real files, does everything validate?

Topics covered

Lecture 1: Travel Experts Discussion

  • Open Q&A for Assignment 1 clarifications

Activity 1: Open workshop

You will work in teams for the day. Exit to the main room for questions and troubleshooting help.

Lecture 2: Review

  • Header page Codepen walk-through and optimization
  • Define utility classes for common design goals and move CSS to external stylesheets
    • reset.css
    • typography.css
    • main.css

Activity 2: Open workshop

Mid-day Huddle

  • who needs help?
  • any pivots?
  • any show-and-tell?


Optional Lecture

  • git collaborators
  • handling merge conflicts
  • git branches


Activity: Open workshop


  • any trophies?
  • prep for tomorrow?
  • applause

