Additional Resources
Nerds to Follow
- Steve Griffith
- Brad Traversy (Youtube)
- CSS Tricks
- Kevin Powell (Youtube)
- Layout Land (Youtube)
- Grid by Example
Design patterns
- Search: css typography
- Search: responsive navigation
- Search: best hero sections
- Search: card pattern
Learning Games
Stack Overflow
SO is Quora for developers. 80% of your searches on common problems will point to this site. Some highlights:
- Block vs Inline vs Inline-Block
- Including Google Web Fonts link or import?
- button vs input
- Any others?
- A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web
- Video: Reading Colour Hexcodes
- Article: HSL() / HSLa() is great for programmatic color control
- Article: Font stacks for Window & Mac browsers
- Search: “best google font pairings”
- Article: On Web Typography
- Article: Font Fallbacks
- Article: Typography for Developers
- Article: Icon Fonts are Awesome